I'm willing to participate however I arrive on Friday. I could try to arrive early though.
On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 3:02 PM, Arnaud Loonstra
Post by Arnaud LoonstraIs anybody going? Last years were very nice with Pieter hosting a
hackathon. I'm hoping we can at least meet and have beer together?
Post by Arnaud LoonstraI'm staying at the Meininger.
I am looking to book a room (maybe the HSBXL hackerspace) 2 days
before fosdem (thu 2 feb+fri 3 feb), anyone willing to participate in a zmq
Last year it was fun, and I would like to repeat it.
Let me know,
Right now HSBXL looks the best, but I have to rent a heater, but that
should not be a problem.
Benjamin Henrion <bhenrion at ffii.org>
FFII Brussels - +32-484-566109 - +32-2-3500762
"In July 2005, after several failed attempts to legalise software
patents in Europe, the patent establishment changed its strategy.
Instead of explicitly seeking to sanction the patentability of
software, they are now seeking to create a central European patent
court, which would establish and enforce patentability rules in their
favor, without any possibility of correction by competing courts or
democratically elected legislators."
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